My Path: From Psychotherapist to Culture Change-Maker


Today, I'm reintroducing myself and sharing my story of transitioning from a psychotherapist and psychologist to a business coaching consultant. My passion for understanding and influencing behavior has led me to empower leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, and executives to elevate their leadership skills and drive success in their businesses.

Key Takeaways:

🌟 From Psychotherapy to Coaching: Discover how my background in psychology shapes my approach to business coaching, enhancing leadership and team dynamics.

πŸ’Ό Empowering Leadership: Learn how the principles of behavioral psychology can transform your leadership style and improve both your business and personal life.

πŸš€ Unlocking Potential: Explore the importance of culture, motivation, and embracing discomfort to achieve the next level of success in your organization.

Are you ready to unlock your leadership potential and drive meaningful change in your business? Join me in this episode, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

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Eye Opening Insights:

[00:40] - My Transition to Business Coaching
I dive into the catalysts behind my career shift and how my background in psychology has been instrumental in my approach to business coaching.

[02:46] - Enhancing Team Dynamics and Leadership
I explore how I've expanded my impact from focusing on individual behaviors to transforming entire teams and organizations. I detail the strategies we use to improve leadership effectiveness and team cooperation.

[04:20] - The Power of Culture and Strategic Retreats
I emphasize the critical role of organizational culture in business success and how strategic retreats and data tools can unlock tremendous growth. I also discuss the importance of embracing discomfort for leadership development in a post-COVID world.


Eye Openers 77: Reintroduction

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[00:00:00] Brittany Drozd: Hello, and welcome to a very unique, but important session with eye openers. I'm Brittany Drozd and it is my absolute pleasure to have you listening in on our podcast, wherever you love to listen to podcasts now in true eye openers form. I have. My coffee here. You guys, I don't know what it is about coffee.

[00:00:26] Brittany Drozd: I just love it and it gets me going in the morning and it is definitely the catalyst to a lot of eyeopening moments. But if you don't know this already, I see my Job as a coaching consultant for your business as a catalyst for your insights for driving your eye opening moments in how you can better lead in your business and live in your life.

[00:00:55] Brittany Drozd: And so today's episode, I want to reintroduce myself and help you understand a bit about My journey, what's brought me to this work and how I am serving leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, and executives in their businesses right now. A long time ago, I knew that I wanted to work intimately with people in better understanding and driving

[00:01:25] Brittany Drozd: their behaviors. So that set me out on a path to become a psychotherapist and psychologist. And I thoroughly enjoyed that training. I really, really like became a nerd and how much I loved the study of what shapes behavior, what incentivizes and reinforces behaviors and how we change behaviors. And So then I started a private practice.

[00:01:55] Brittany Drozd: I read as many business books as I could get my hands on at that point, because I became a student of running a successful business. And I learned so much of that is about behavior that most people are not rocket scientists when they start their businesses. Sure. There's plenty of great ideas, but so many successful businesses

[00:02:19] Brittany Drozd: are just really well executed and really well led. And that brought me back to psychology, leadership and these fundamentals about behavior. I started working with more and more entrepreneurs in my private practice, because I realized I was able to serve two purposes to them. Not only were we improving their leadership and the way that they were able to run and execute in their business and drive their teams and in those objectives forward, they were also taking the same tactics.

[00:02:54] Brittany Drozd: We were using and applying them in their home life and therefore having better relationships and being more engaged with their family and communities. So they were, this was being leveraged on multiple fronts and creating lots of positive benefits. Hooray, right? So then they started bringing in their teams and I started working more and more with leaders and their teams to help drive more and more impact for that business from those teachings.

[00:03:22] Brittany Drozd: I said, Oh, I need to further hone my business skills because I'm getting into financial spreadsheets and things that I don't fully understand. And I know that behavior is different in the workplace than it is in our private life. And so I wanted to better understand that nuance and what tools and frameworks apply in the workplace versus in private life.

[00:03:45] Brittany Drozd: So after getting, some more training and another degree, And organizational behavior in management, I fully committed to working with leaders, their teams, and in bigger and bigger companies. and that has led me to the work that I do today. Right now, Brittany droves coaching and consulting is fully focused on creating results for companies.

[00:04:11] Brittany Drozd: mostly in the 100 to 250 people range, but we expand beyond that. And we also work with firms that are smaller than that, that are very much invested in their growth from an earlier stage. Really the key thing I'm looking for when I'm talking to a prospect or potentially a new client is their motivation.

[00:04:31] Brittany Drozd: Are you willing to do stuff that's uncomfortable? Are you willing to change your behaviors? Because what it took to get you to this point. It will not get you to the next level of success that you're looking for in your leadership and your company, in your team and in your culture. So, so much of what makes,the companies that we read about successful is the way that the leadership team is able to drive culture in that organization.

[00:04:57] Brittany Drozd: And that is exactly what we do. And we do it through ongoing coaching, bringing data tools and teaching teams how to leverage that data for their people and leading off sites and retreats that executive teams really, really benefit from in this post COVID world where they're not working side by side every day.

[00:05:18] Brittany Drozd: When you come together with purpose, when you create the time space attention to solve your biggest business challenges, it is incredible what you can unlock. So that is what we are up to over here at Brittany Drozd Coaching and consulting. We hope that you are thoroughly enjoying the podcast and that we are addressing your number one concerns that come up as a leader, as an entrepreneur and founder.

[00:05:43] Brittany Drozd: And we welcome you to reach out if there are any specific topics you want to see us cover or any particular guests that you'd love to see on the show until then keep searching and driving for those eye opening moments to support your growth.