THIS is The Point ๐Ÿ‘‰


There are hurdles to great leadership that I see constantly. And addressing them? This can lead to improving employee productivity and so much more. Thatโ€™s the point!

A while back, I got to share the gaps I see in leadership and how to fix them on Robert Baileyโ€™s Whatโ€™s The Point! Podcast.

I loved sharing my lessons and tips on the other side of the mic so much I wanted to share this conversation again on my podcast for you this week.

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Eye Opening Insights:

[00:06:20]  Why thereโ€™s often an inflection point when founders go from one phase of business to the next, how this can lead to overwhelm (and what to do about it)

[00:20:02] How training your brain to focus on collaboration and community building is the opposite of fear

[00:23:04] Brittany shares how when you practice managing uncertainty, when you have a good toolbox on you, you build resilience. And this is how great leaders are born. 

Listen in and then I want to know: What gaps do you see in your leadership? Are you ready to start facing them? Share in the comments and contact me if you want to work on this together. 

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