The Power of True Partnership in Business & Executive Support


For many leaders, grappling with the art of delegation is a familiar tale. We often think nobody can do what we do quite like us. And for certain things, that’s totally true!

But, as my guests on this week’s Eye Openers, Ethan and Stephanie of Pro Assisting will no doubt convince you, with the right partners by our side, delegation skeptics can turn into delegation maestros, discovering a newfound surplus of both time and energy.

As those delegation barriers begin to crumble, the mountain of tasks that once seemed impossible to share starts to dwindle.

It’s like watching a magic trick as they pass on “two way door” decisions - the low-risk reversible ones - to their assistants. With the day-to-day handled, leaders finally have the mental space needed for those high-stakes "one way door" decisions—the choices that shape the trajectory of projects and companies.

In this interview, we discuss:

  • Cultivating Legacy Knowledge and Nurturing True Thought Partnership with Your Assistant: Ethan and Stephanie delve into the significance of forging a symbiotic relationship with your assistant. They share insights on how this partnership not only leads to the smooth delegation of tasks but also ensures the transfer of valuable legacy knowledge. This element can prove pivotal in maintaining consistency and progress.

  • Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome: Delegation skeptics often grapple with imposter syndrome, a feeling that they alone can adequately handle critical tasks. Our guests shed light on conquering this limiting belief, illustrating how collaborative delegation can amplify confidence and lead to remarkable outcomes that surpass individual efforts.

  • Mastering the Art of Delegation: In this segment, Ethan and Stephanie expound on the transformation from a "do-it-all" mindset to becoming a proficient delegator. They offer actionable strategies for discerning which tasks to delegate and how to do so effectively. Their insights encompass the balance between guidance and autonomy, ensuring tasks are accomplished to perfection.

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Trust me, once you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself questioning why you didn't embark on this journey sooner.

Eye Opening Insights:

[00:06:50] Brittany: I'm also a working mom and so I love hearing about this. I love bringing this conversation out into the working world because there is so much value that, um, moms can bring to the workspace. I mean, I don't know about you, but when I became a mom, I got so efficient. I got so good at juggling like 10 balls at a time and really getting stuff done for people in just a super, you know, concise but high, high value add manner. And that's how I. That approach has also really benefited my business and, um, and my clients too. So I totally understand wanting to have that leg in the workforce, but also, you know, honoring the roles you guys have created for your family.

[00:14:18] Stephanie: And then I would say also, um, the elephant in the room is, is ai. And everyone is talking about ai. Um, and it's, um, it's interesting because I think I. We're already leveraging that in our everyday lives. Most people, you know, you send a text to a friend and about meeting for coffee and all of a sudden Siri pops up and says, oh, do you want me to add this to your calendar without a prompt from you? So that's, that's amazing. I love that efficiency. Mm-hmm. Um, you know, but. There's, there's something to be said about the, the human touch, um, the hospitality, um, you know, certain things that, um, that Surrey and Alexa and AI are just, are not gonna be able to do. And, um, you know, pro aing our assistants, we pride ourselves on, on that relationship. As you, as you spoke of before. Um, Having that true partnership and, um, it's not all about just the hard assisting, um, entering calendar and making appointments. It is, um, a lot of speaking on the phone with, um, with board members or, you know, colleagues and being able to represent that person.

[00:19:03] Ethan: it's frankly a simple math equation. If you take your yearly revenue and minus your expenses, and then divide that number by I. 2000, you'll come up with your hourly rate. And if you take that and multiply it by four and you say, well, I could get an assistant support, I could get fractional assistant support for half that amount. Um, it's, it's actually an ROI indicator of. I need to do it. Focus on this. And we do sit at the higher end of the market, but, um, for fractional remote support, but I. There are so many options out there, and it can be so tailored

About Pro Assisting

ProAssisting provides fractional, remote executive assistance to 'next generation'​ executives such as consultants, solopreneurs, and c-suite executives who embrace technology but know that Siri/Google/Alexa don't cut it for them. We help our clients work on income-generating projects and move their businesses forward by handling logistics, planning, client/prospect/investor communication, projects, and administrative tasks that don't warrant their time. And we do all of it for a fraction of the cost of a full-time EA with comparable experience.

We provide our clients with 'high-touch hospitality'​ by leveraging our understanding of them and their business to best use our tactical support expertise, emotional intelligence, and technological proficiency to push their business goals and objectives forward.

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