What will you create in 2016?

Still struggling to get over that holiday hangover? You know, the one from too much sugar, lounging around, and being off your routine?

Get off to a better start for 2016 by taking action now!

Ready to set your vision for 2016? Check out my past video for a new take on goal setting before you get started. 



Looking for different results than you've previously had? Then you need to do something different! Start by looking at the way you set goals here:

Do your goals or resolutions looks something like this?

- Make more money

- Save more money

- Lose weight

Then it's time to start thinking differently! Want to set a vision for 2016 that will actually make you HAPPY and FULFILLED? Watch the TED Talk below that describes a Harvard study on what really makes people happy in the long run. 

{HINT: It's not fame or fortune! It's good relationships}


Reflect on it!

This week, I don't want to hear from you! This week is about reflection and creation. It requires a different kind of head space to get really honest with yourself about your past year, and what you truly want to create for 2016.

Give yourself that space and time to explore what's there for you. Share when you're really ready to. 

What else?

Work with me  I'm only taking 10 one-on-one clients for 2016. This allows me to give even more to my clients for their greater results. I want to help you create real transformation. Find out if working with me is right for YOU! Email at brittany@brittanydrozd.com.

You can create your legacy and live a life you love!