That's garbage!


You've read the books, and you've attended the seminars.

You know what it takes to stay relevant in the business world today. And that's to create content.

Yet, when it comes time to set down and write that tweet, or outline that newsletter, you freeze. Your mind goes blank, feel you have nothing important to say, and so you do nothing.

There are plenty of ways we justify this in our minds:

"I'm too busy for social media."
"The right people already know about our company and what we do."
"I don't have anything worth saying."

None of these are true. And frankly, none of these really matter.

Several writers and great content-pushers of our day have been interviewed saying, "Luckily, inspiration strikes me every morning at 9am." .... Which is exactly the time they sit down to create everyday!

That is NOT a coincidence. They make a HABIT out of it. They commit to it, and they follow through. 

Seth Godin - a renown marketing guru and author - has a famous blog. And how often do you think he writes for that blog? 

Seth writes 5 articles EACH DAY! And only publishes 1 of them. Seth is willing to create garbage.

That's right, a best-selling author and master creator creates garbage. He simply is not afraid of it. And neither should you.

We all have fears that pop up when we consider creating something and sharing it with the world. But if those fears are STOPPING you from creating altogether, then I'm giving you permission to create garbage!

Watch this week's video for more fun on creating garbage along the way: