How sharp is your mind?

It's early morning midweek. From the moment you wake up, your mind starts spinning.

"What do I need to do to get ready for the day?" "Who's taking the kids to school?" "What appointments do I have?" "What needs to be done immediately?"

Our minds are racing from the moment we awake until the moment we fall asleep again. Of course there may be moments in the middle where you're able to find calm and create focus, but it's usually not the majority state of our mind. 

But what if it could be?

Meditation is cited over and over again as the #1 tool high performers use to create focus, which leads to action, and ultimately fulfillment in their lives.

Meditating in the morning allows you to see - clearly - what's important, what can wait, and where to start. It clears out the clutter. It calms the mind. It creates options where things previously felt overwhelming. 

Try it for yourself. Meditate for 10 minutes a day. Give yourself 7 days before you try measuring the results. 

And if your first response to this is, "I don't have 10 minutes a day" then I have this to say to you:

"If you don't have 10 minutes, then you don't have a life." Tony Robbins

Need help?

These apps can set the tone, time, and mood for your daily meditation: 

- Headspace

- Calm

Make it your own! Mediation doesn't have to look like an ultra-spiritual quest. Pick up a book and read for 10 minutes, go for a walk outside, or tell 3 people you're grateful for them!

Happy meditating! 

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