Confidence: A Willingness To Try


As a coach, I am called upon to help people break through their barriers on a weekly basis. I make a personal commitment to my clients to help them live on the edge- the edge of their comfort zone, the edge of their capabilities, or the edge of what feels possible for them.

I believe deeply that I can only take people as deep as I'm willing to go myself. I can only help clients evolve into the next best version of themselves if I'm doing my own work. I have to be deeply committed to my own personal growth and evolution in order to help anyone else do the same.

That kind of growth is not always comfortable. It would be so easy for me to sit here and tell you I'm the master of personal growth. But that's not true. What I am mastering is my ability to get uncomfortable, and my willingness to take action. I know that these are the things that set me apart.

When I meet with potential clients they often talk about wanting to experience an increase in their confidence - confidence in their skills, confidence in their future, and confidence in themselves. The irony is that confidence only comes from taking courageous action.

As much as you may distain this truth, I hope it provides you some clarity. That your confidence, your goals, and your biggest dreams are waiting for you on other side of courageous action. 

Here’s what I know from experience:

  • It is scary to approach something you’ve never done before

  • It is unlikely you will ace it on your first try

  • You will improve with persistent efforts

  • You will succeed if you’re willing to try 1,000 times

Here’s where I’m committed to taking courageous action:

  • Being more visible on this platform (Like if you see this post please!)

  • Connecting with new and inspiring people (Schedule a time for us to get to know each other)

  • Creating new work with high impact (New coaching program)

What is the COURAGEOUS ACTION you’re committing to this week? How can I help you get there? Share in the comments below!

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