Are you running your own race? šŸ‘Ÿ


Recently, on a beautiful fall day, I decided to go for a walk. That day, I realized what I wanted and needed was a walk, not a run.

Old me wouldā€™ve super judged current me for not going for a hard run. But fortunately, Iā€™ve learned to focus on running my own race instead of running someone elseā€™s.

Watch this video to learn more about:

  • Why running someone elseā€™s race canā€™t get you where you want to go

  • Why this is essential for your happiness, even though it isnā€™t easy

  • How this simple truth can get you on the right track for YOU

Watched the video? Now for a fun assignment: let me know in the comments, what is ONE thing you can do just for yourself this week?

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