How do you communicate in a crisis?


Recently, I interviewed 20 entrepreneurs about how the pandemic was affecting their business, You know what they said they were struggling the most with?


I admit, it wasn’t what I expected! 

We see so many businesses struggling to stay afloat and to keep from having to lay off employees, and we don’t know what the future holds. But today? Many entrepreneurs are having to navigate through a drastic change in how business is done, how teams are staying connected, and more. 

Watch this week’s video to learn more about:

  • Customer-facing communication issues

  • Remote worker communication struggles

  • What leadership is really about

  • How to start taking action to overcome these challenges

I’d love to get some feedback from you. Let me know in the comments if communication is something you're struggling with in your business now. And share with us any steps you’ve taken to work through this situation with your team or customers. 

If you’d like some support and specific suggestions for your business’s communications, reach out to me here and let’s talk.

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