Why Genius is Often Just Persistence in Disguise


When you think of the word “genius” who and what comes to mind?

If you’re in the business world, you could think of Elon Musk or Steve Jobs... It is for these untouchable special people, but not for us, right? 


Well, at least, it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Today, I’m inviting you to look at genius through a new lens, one that can help you to get better and better at meeting your goals and achieving your dreams. 

In this week’s video we discuss:

  • A new, empowering way to view genius

  • Examples from my own life where I put this into practice

  • How you too can act like genius in your life

Watch this video and let us know in the comments, has this video changed the way you think? What’s something you would love to accomplish and what steps can you take every day to get there? 



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