How To Break Up 💔 With THAT Friend 🙋


Have you ever heard the adage that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with? 

That means it’s time to take a look at who you’re surrounded with and if that reflects where you're trying to go.

When I take stock of who has been showing up for me, I’m filled with gratitude. And this is no accident. When I finally realized how precious my time is, I got super intentional about who I spent it with.

That is one of the reasons I'm launching my new group coaching program, Entrepreneur's Club. Joining this program is saying YES to surrounding yourself with other savvy, successful entrepreneurs who will help inspire and encourage you to grow your business and develop as a leader.

Schedule a free 30-minute call to find out if you're a good fit for the program here.

Then, be sure to watch this week's video to learn:

  • How I tightened up my circle

  • How to assess your current relationships

  • And why this matters (hint: because YOU and your dreams matter!)

Watch the video and then if there’s someone who has been showing up for you, send them a quick note to let them know. That is the best gift. 

Think you could be spending more time with other fantastic, ambitious entrepreneurs? Apply Entrepreneur’s Club Here. 6 entrepreneurs and I will be taking off in October. Click the link to apply.


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