Do You Practice What You Preach?


Do you have a mission statement? A vision? A set of values?

Lots of organizations have statements that try to define and summarize who they are and what they do. You may use those statements to try to stand out from your competition and create clarity around your ideal client.

But do they do anything beyond that?

Do you use your mission statement to truly guide your work? Could you describe your vision for your organization right now if I asked you? Do you know what your top five values of your organization are?

I know I'm asking lots of questions. But here's the reason:

If you aren't practicing what you preach then these words are meaningless. If you aren't following your own guidelines, then how can you be trusted to guide the client?

Trust me, I don’t repeat my own values every morning five times. But I do have a system for measuring my work against what I stand for.

Here are my top 5 values, and where they show up for me:

Leadership - To me, leadership is about saying the thing that no one else is willing to say. Either as critical feedback or about yourself. It is seeking the truth, even if you may not like the answer. This is the commitment I make in my work everyday. And in my personal relationships too. It not always easy. But it certainly creates a quality relationship that is incredibly fulfilling.

Health - I make time (almost) everyday for exercise and eating well. Because if I’m not healthy, nothing else matters or works well. Also, I’m a better coach, mom, wife, and friend when I’m taken care of myself too!

Family - I’m not just an entrepreneur, I’m a mom and wife too. I make space for both and talk about my personal life in my business as well. People appreciate that I’m a real human, not just a consultant telling them what to do. 

Gratitude - I work on identifying the things I appreciate in my life, however small, and teach my clients to do the same. 

Community - I run a group coaching program called Entrepreneur’s Club that promotes community by working together to solve tough problems in business. We support each other, not compete. 

What about you? Do you have a personal mission statement? A vision for what you want to create in your business, or for your life? What are your top 5 values? Share in the comments section below, or send me an email at

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