Breaking Silos + Pioneering Cross-Department Collaboration


I'm bringing you an inside look into the journey of Stacy Willis from engineer to COO, where she's making waves by pioneering cross-department collaboration at Playwire. 🌊

🔄 Incremental Change Magic:

Stacy's success story underscores the transformative power of taking small, manageable steps. Discover how incremental change became the secret ingredient in Stacy's leadership recipe. 🌟

🤝 Cross-Department Synergy Unleashed:

Breaking silos is Stacy's superpower! Dive into her insights on fostering cross-department collaboration that sparks innovation and unites teams for extraordinary results. 🌐

🎯 Test Plans for Success:

Learn how Playwire crafts pre-built test plans for each initiative, ensuring clarity and effective measurement aligned with top-level company goals. Stacy spills the beans on their systematic approach to success. 📈

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Eye Opening Insights:

[00:04:08] Stacy: I actually decided to go back and get my MBA, but the funny part is it sounds sort of accidental, but when I was in high school, they gave us this task to like write a letter to your future self. And then our teacher kept it and literally mailed it out like 10 years later. It was very cool. And I, I had on it, I will have been an engineer for three years and then I'm going to go back to get my MBA and this and that and I've happened and I had forgotten I even had the plan.

[00:05:51] Stacy: And humans are the most complex problems. So that's where I think I've ended up in operations.

[00:09:17] Brittany: What do you think has either been different for you and made you successful in more of a leadership role? Or what do you look for to when people are making that leap from IC to manager?

About Stacy

“Ooohh, we’re halfway there!”

That is both a Bon Jovi song I love and a way I approach business: there is always further to go.

I’m Stacy Willis and some people do indeed call me “overly enthusiastic,” but what they mean is this:

I am multi-passionate — I’ve traversed from engineering to strategy to marketing to operations, always hungry for puzzles to solve and pathways to clear.

I have owned businesses, worked in businesses, and run businesses, all in relentless pursuit of “what’s next?”

Because that’s the thing: you can always uncover something new.

I want to go off-road and figure out what other people haven’t figured out yet, so I can take my team where no one has ever gone.

Optimistic? Sure. Driven? You bet. Excited? Always.

All three of those traits are currently concentrated on building the best ad monetization platform the world has ever seen. Check it out at

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