Make Change Stick!
Happy Monday! I know a lot of people who look at Mondays as an opportunity for a fresh start and chance to make a change. What's something you want to change? So what do people do to make this change stick? Yes, I can eat a very healthy meal and I can exercise for 3 days in a row. But what makes for lasting change? What determines the success of those are able to make stick it out?
Here are 5 ways people have made lasting lifestyle changes in their lives:
- Hit rock bottom to face change: Being forced to lose weight or exercise due to severe health consequences (i.e. diabetes).
- Take baby steps: Set a realistic change goal for your diet by eliminating one food item at a time.
- It takes a village: Get a support team in place that you can call in a time of need. Kind of like a change sponsor!
- What's in your environment: Are you trying to drink less but work at a bar? Hmmm.... Consider working somewhere different to increase the likelihood of your success. Can't change your job? Look at smaller changes that will influence your behavior.
- Take Einstein's advice: The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." So if you've tried to make a change and it's not working, Albert says to try something else!
Let's hear it! What are doing to make a change in your life? I want to hear what's working and what hasn't for you! Comment below now!