Core Desired Feelings: feel the way you want to feel!


As the Holidays come and go, we're left with the aftermath of harried shopping sprees, over eating, and gatherings with those we love and loathe.  So what now? 

It seems that everyone's already talking about New Year's resolutions and I still can't even see straight after the holiday madness! So before you starting trying to formulate how 2014 is going to be "different", I ask you to consider this:

Did you get what you really wanted this holiday season?

No, I don't mean that new video game or tech toy. I mean life wise - do you feel truly fulfilled in your life? When you wake up, do you look forward to your day? Or dread all that you have to do today? Do you love those you are surrounded by? Or do you want a do-over?

Wish that were different? Want to better/fulfilled/desired? Make it happen!

Danielle Laporte does an awesome job of outlining how to get from here to your feeling your best ever! Follow these tips to jumpstart living your core desired feelings now:

- Make word slopof how you want to feel: Take a blank piece of paper and write down your ideal feelings. These should be optimistic, positive, and loving feelings. Go nuts!

- Narrow it down to 3-5 core desired feelings. You will need the focus in order to move forward with this.

- Ask yourself What does ______ feel like? Write down your answers for each core desired feeling. This should give you clarity!

- Activate the feelings! Write down 3 things you can do today/this week/this month to generate [enter core desired feeling here].

- Do it now! What are you waiting for? Take back the control of your life to stop the spinning, feelings of overwhelm, and numbness that all too often stop you for being your best self!

For more details check out Danielle's worksheet for identifying, implementing, and activating those feelings now! Work with me for strategic, detailed, and disciplined approach to making this ideal your reality!