Happy New Year!


Happy 2014 Everyone! Out with the old and in with the New You! What are you going to do this year to make 2014 your best year?

Since it's January 1st, I know some of you must have thought about your resolutions already. So let's hear them! I'm always looking for new ideas, and I love hearing from readers!

Anyone out there have a health and wellness goal? If so, check out Mind Body Green's website for endless tips on nutrition, mindfulness, and fitness. I learn new tricks all the time on there, so check it out!

What's my New Year's resolution? To eat 1 cup of greens (kale, arugula, or spinach) a day. I make so many goals and achievement plans in my work, fitness, etc. that I needed a resolution that takes better care of me. Because without me, I'm lost!

Share your resolutions and plans to achieve them below!