CrossFit Workshop


I had an amazing time working with the female athletes of CrossFit Providence over the weekend! I never tire of meeting new members and seeing the tenacity and strength in each one! You ladies never fail to amaze me with your accomplishments inside and outside of the gym. So in honor of the awesomeness of the ladies at the Women's Workshop on Saturday Jan 25th, I will let all of you in on a little secret I shared with them:

You can have the life you really want!

I know, right?! Amazing stuff! It's all yours, just waiting for you to believe in yourself, your strength, and your truth enough to go get it! So this is where I come in...

Do you have a dream life? I do - it's me on a beach, with a good book, great food, and working 4 hours a day. What's yours? Want your dream life to live forever in dreamland or reality? That's your choice!

Want to choose to make your dream life your reality? Not everyone does. Some are too afraid to share their dreams with others because then they'll have to answer for their lack of progress towards their dream. So they never achieve their dream out of FEAR. Remember what I said about fear...

What's that you say? So you're not going to let fear run your life and steer you away from your dreams? GREAT!

Now what? Strategize for success! You're not going to get there overnight, but if you want to make sure you achieve your dream life at some point, you need a plan!

Below is my Life Aim worksheet  with steps to:

- visualize your dream life,

- break it down,

- determine needed resources,

- prioritize,

- and goal set!


What's your Life Aim? Share yours below and you may inspire others :) Want help developing a Life Aim? Work with me!

Be Your Best Self!
