You're not Perfect! [neither am i]


Bloggers! I have missed you.... but not forgotten about you!

Last week was the busiest week at my practice (saw so many clients!), had the first session of the Build Your Best Self seminar, and attended a 3-day intensive training for Core Energetics (part of my 2-year program). I'M TIRED!!!

Yes, I've been slacking on my blogging. My goal is to connect with you at least 3 times per week on here, but that just didn't happen last week. And it might not happen this week. And that's okay :)

That's okay ????!! [Did I really just say that?] Yes!!!!!!!! A few years ago I would have NEVER actively admitted to not achieving something I set out to do. Never mind calling attention to it on a blog post! Have I lost my mind?? [don't answer that :)]

No I haven't! I want to make it okay for everyone to admit to the same! I'm not perfect, and I'm never going to be. I have this idealized image of myself that I'm never going to reach. And I'm fine with that. Because that idealized self doesn't schedule much time for fun, works too much, and doesn't account for real-life mishaps.

If we feed into the idealized self, we create unrealistic working environments and goals that often lead to disappointment and discouragement to keep trying. Ever worked in a place where salaried employees were working 50-60 hours weekly instead of the intended 40 hours? That happens when one person tries to met an unreasonable demand, and eventually it becomes the norm. Now you have a culture that's built on overworking and undervalued free time. Not good for the employees or the company itself.

The US has a disproportionate amount of burn out, workplace accidents, and suicides. I think this idealized self could be the culprit. We need to make it okay for each other not to work towards unrealistic goals and levels of achievement that hinder real life experiences.

Only once we are honest with ourselves can we begin to look at affecting realistic, positive changes to better our lives. I'll go first:

I'm not perfect. I won't be able to achieve all the goals I set for myself. Most days I don't finish my to-do list. I'm human, and I keep trying.

Now it's your turn! Get real with yourself and others. Stop aiming towards your idealized self and reach for something tangible, realistic, and authentic. Get real in the comments below! Tell us about your idealized self and what's gotta go! 

Moving towards my best self,
