What’s Your Feminism Fitness?


Have you noticed the rise of this “f” word in the past few months? Feminism has been on tips of tongues from the media, celebrities, politicians, and advocates since the beginning of summer.

So what’s the fuss about feminism?

There has been a recent resurgence of women declaring they are “anti-feminist” on the Internet. Think back to the occupy movement with people documenting their opinions on paper, held up for a selfie, and spread via social media. But before we get into all that, let’s get back to basics:

-       What is feminism?

The belief that women (and people of all sexes and genders) deserve equal rights and treatment; i.e. equal pay, civic rights, and treatment from others and institutions.

-       What is an anti-feminist?

Someone (or something/corporation/institution) of any sex or gender who doesn’t agree with the above statement.

With Hobby Lobby taking a religious stance against access to birth control through company-provided health insurance, and the judiciary decision backing the legality of this stance, many feminists have began speaking up.

Although it could be argued that Hobby Lobby is not anti-feminist, their actions have undoubtedly limited employees’ access to a medication that has advanced women’s control over their bodies, their right to choose, and their health.

In typical Lena Denham (from Girls) fashion, she asked why people use birth control after sharing that she takes birth control to treat her endometriosis. Women and men had some of the following responses:

-       Eliminate cramps

-       Decrease mood symptoms, like PMDD

-       Elliminate headaches

-       Battle fatigue

This really showed the breadth of the pill’s use and its popularity. But back to feminism…

So why would someone be anti-feminist?

The common argument from those claiming not be feminist is one that refers to the bra-burning beauties of the ‘60s. They claim that equality already exists and there’s no need to keep talking about it. Another stance is one of not wanting to align with pro-choice, which is a whole separate issue. Having access to birth control is just one small part of this movement. And even that’s a choice – you don’t have to take it if you don’t want to!

So what’s the bigger issue?

Equality people! Who wouldn’t want people you love to enjoy the same rights, respect, and access as everyone else? It’s important that we eradicate religious differences and the issue of pro-choice/pro-life from the feminist agenda. Lets work together to clean up the feminist message so that it can’t be misconstrued.

In my work, I push people to be their best selves as a means to actualize their full potential, live authentically, and pursue their greatest desires.

I want feminism to have a similar message: feminism allows everyone the right, access, and respect to be their best selves.

What are your thoughts on the issue? What do you think the message should be? And how do you support this movement? Share this and start a conversation!