Who's On Your List?

I usually like to keep these emails fun, upbeat, and positive. But sometimes you just have to keep it real, and today is one of those days.

On a very real note, I would like to recognize the life and recent passing of comedian and actor Robin Williams. It's important to recognize that Robin Williams had been reportedly suffering from major despression and bipolar disorder.

We hear about these disorders in the media and from friends and family. Who hasn't made a joke about someone you know being "bipolar"? But these disorders are very real, have major impact, and can afflict anyone. So please take it more seriously.

Have you, or someone you know, struggled with depression or bipolar disorder?

 My guess is that you have.

What did you do? What helped you break through your deepe

st bouts of depression? What helped you turn it around to be in a happier place?

What or who was your motivation?

 What was your vision for yourself? When did you decide that this current state wasn't going to be good enough?

Sometimes in life we feel that we're very alone. That no one else is truly there for us. But every one of us needs supports. 

We need people on 

our sides, on our team, in our black book that we can call when life is overwhelming.

Write those people's names down. Make a list o

f the people who are your best supports. Remind yourself of who really is there for you.

Give them a call today.

 Let them know they're on you list of best supporters. People like knowing that they can be helpful for others.

Who's list do you think you're on? Give that peroson a call today, just to let them know you're there.

Life is hard enough. The best thing we can give to each other is our presence, our love, and our support. So please give this to someone today. 

Expanding Happiness

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21-day at home mediation series

. Exapnding Happiness is a free series that promises to increase your happiness, share your true self, and foster greater connection with others. Join so you can share in the discussion to come.