Ditch the Dissonance!


Last week, we spoke about goals and how to create a 60-day plan in order to move you closer to where you want to be.  

Goals are a great thing, don’t get me wrong, but they can be tricky too!


Sometimes when we’re reviewing our goals, we can fall into the dreaded zone of getting down on ourselves for where we’re at right now. We want to skip over the hard work and just be there already!


I call that space between “where you’re at” and “where you want to be” cognitive dissonance.


So ditch the dissonance, and actually move forward towards your goals!


You can do this in 3 quick steps [watch the video for full description and action steps]:

  1. Use your goals to help, not hinder, your motivation!
  2. Pull up your big girl pants! Everyone started in a similar place, so take responsibility for creating your success.
  3. “Sweat equity is the best equity!” so get back to work!

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Success is so sweet because of the journey it took to get there. Don’t deny yourself that opportunity for hard work and big rewards.


Share your Sweat Equity moments in the comments section below! The best conversation starts here, where we can learn from each other.


Work with me to find out even more ways you can make positive changes for your life and get want you really want!


xo Brittany