Achievement vs. Disappointment- You choose!


Have you started the Deepak 21-day meditation series on the Energy of Attraction? Following this link to get signed up! It started on last week, so you’re not too far behind. Along with this challenge to meditate daily, I’m also challenging myself to a 6am wake up call to exercise. I know these daily habits will make me more effective and happy.

Have you ever tried to start a new habit, or had a goal you’re pursuing? Can you count on two hands the number of times you’ve made a goal…. but it fell through?

There’s no need to be ashamed of this, because we’ve all been there.

The real question is “why” – why do we all experience this? Why are we successful with some of our goals and things we set out to do, and not with others?

The answer is – there are many of reasons why! But here are few key reasons that separate goal achievement from goal disappointment:


  • Pencil in your dreams- we make time for all sorts of less important things. Make sure you schedule time to work towards your personal dreams and goals
  • Don’t cancel on yourself- No one likes to be stood up, so quit doing it to yourself!
  • Strategize for success- Make a plan to ensure obstacles don’t stop you from working towards your goals
  • Sacrifice- If you’re trying to make room for something new in your life, then something needs to go! What are you going to get rid of?
  • Stop hoping- Saying “I sure hope it can find the time for my goal” is a sure bet that you won’t. Stop acting like you don’t have control over this. You do.

Watch this week's video to find out more details on increasing your success rate. Are you serious about a goal or a dream? Prove it to yourself by following these steps to ensure achievement of what you set out to do.

Ready to try it out? Head on over to the blog to tell us how it went! Leave your comments, stories, and feedback there!