Where do you create from?


I know what you're thinking... "Where do I create from? Create? Create what? I'm not a creative person."

But I beg to differ! I saw this awesome quote from Elizabeth Gilbert's new book, Big Magic:

"If you are alive, you're a creative person."

This quote is on point! Every day, every moment, we are creating our lives. Each decision we make helps to shape our day - for better or worse. 

So I ask, where do you create from?

Is it a place of joy, happiness, and abundance? Or do you make decisions, day in and day out, that are influenced by fear, scarcity, and avoidance?

Before we can adjust what we are creating and start to create what we most desire, we need to understand where we're creating from!

Watch this week's video to learn where you're creating from and how to change it for better results!

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