What If It Were Easy?

what if it were easy

“Going into business will be hard work.”

“You have to rise and grind.”

“Work hard. Play hard.”

Ever heard any of these before? Chances are that somewhere along your journey, it was told to you that you need to work hard to succeed and do well in business. 

But what if it were easy? What if your mindset of thinking things needs to be “hard work” is actually stopping you from achieving our next level of success?

Trust me, I don’t say this naively. After being in business for about 10 years, I understand that you cannot just sit around waiting for the right customers to walk through the door. Nor can you ignore obvious trends in the marketplace: the use of social media for business, more informed customers, and less loyal employees. 

However, when we approach the task at hand with the mindset that “this will be hard work”, we add additional obstacles to our plate. 

What if, instead, we believe the following:

  • I can create clients and customers easily.

  • I know how to be adaptable in my business to meet my needs.

  • I can easily learn a new way of marketing that will bring in new customers. 

These statements create a mindset that reinforces the skills you already have, which can increase your confidence. When we approach any task with confidence and the belief that we can accomplish it, soundly things flow more easily. 

“Whether you think you can, or you can’t, either way you’re right.” - Henry Ford

Lots of performance research supports that above quote. You are likely the one setting your own barriers and limitations to what you're capable of. 

Think about your earnings over the past 3 years? Have they changed much? If they haven’t, mindset is likely at play here. We get comfortable, we get complacent, and there is usually a belief buried in there that we aren’t capable of more. So you start creating measuring sticks that reinforce that.

What if it were easy to change that?

See what I did there??! If you believe that changing this will be easy, you are more likely to accept the challenge. Here are 3 ways you can make things easier:

  • Create an Awesome Folder - I have a folder where I store client testimonials, past goals I’ve achieved, milestones in my business, and even notes to myself when I had a great work day. These things serve as reminders of what I’m capable of.

  • Reflect often - We usually don’t stop to celebrate our wins. It’s just on to the next ladder rung the moment after we get a huge sale or get promoted. Take time weekly, or even daily, to reflect on what you created, how you moved things forward, and where you made an impact.

  • Identify your supporters - I’ve found most people don’t have a reliable support team to go to for celebrating wins, deliberating challenges, or just sharing with. The right group of peers will understand your experience, gladly commemorate your wins, and help keep your head straight when things are less easy.

So, what if it were easy to take these 3 steps to creating a business and work life that works for you? Where would you start?


Brittany Drozd helps entrepreneurs make more money, become strong leaders, and find fulfillment in the process. She believes that your greatest achievements and happiest moments are just on the other side of your fears. Brittany is obsessed mastering human motivation and perfecting business management. Away from the office, Brittany is a mom to two little girls and loves to kitesurf!

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