How to Create Engagement that Leads to Real $ Sales $


I was leaving my gym when it dawns on me. This place, my gym, is the perfect example for the question I’d been asked by one of Instagram followers.

Someone reached out and asked me how to get more followers  and engagement on Instagram. Have you ever thought about this question?

Getting more followers is not the right question, though. Instead, we should be asking how to serve, engage, and build relationships with our community. And my gym does this so well! 

Watch the video and learn:

  • The best way to get sales without being salesy

  • How my gym has nailed creating a real community

  • What YOU can do to get results

So now it’s your turn! How can you build relationships with your potential clients? What’s ONE way you could help them feel well served? Let me know in the comments!

Brittany DrozdComment