What Can a ⛵Teach You About Leadership?


I was so grateful for the opportunity to have Peter Mello onto my show Eye Openers the other day. He’s an experienced leader and he shared some great advice, early mistakes he’s made in leadership, and his current struggles.

It is so refreshing to hear leaders who are real about not just past mistakes but ongoing challenges.

Peter also shares how he learned more in 4 years sailing on a boat than he did at some of the best leadership programs in the world. (We’re talking trainings at Harvard Business School, Wharton, etc.)

So grab your coffee (or eye opener of choice!) and settle in to learn:

  • What mistakes Peter made early on (and what’s an ongoing challenge)

  • How 2020 has changed what visioning looks like (bring it down to the micro level!)

  • Why taking the expansive mindset and asking “how can we do this” instead of stating “we can’t do this” is the best way to find opportunities even in hard times

And then I want to know: What questions can you ask yourself that feel expansive? How can you look for the opportunity in the struggle? Share in the comments!

Also, don’t forget to check out WaterFire Providence right here.

Brittany DrozdComment