How This Leader is Able to Bring Joy Even in The Midst of a Pandemic
Finding ways to bring joy and happiness to our organizations during this global pandemic isn’t easy. And some might question if it is even possible or necessary to do so.
But my next guest on Eye Openers, Dr. Shideh Shafie, an ER doctor, among many other things, has found that this is exactly what we need to do right now.
So grab your reheated Dunkin and watch this video to learn:
How Dr. Shafie is able to do so much without burning out (systems help!)
Why seeking/creating joy helps to keep us resilient even in the most stressful of circumstances
Why doing hard or new things is so important for our happiness
Now I want to know, how are you adding to the joy and camaraderie in your organization? Brainstorm some ways you could start and share them in the comments so we can all benefit.