Soulful Sunday


I don't usually blog, write, or work on Sundays, but today is important!

All week long we are professionals, spouses, parents, sisters, and all the roles in which we have to give. We give time to this, and give energy to that. And at the end of the week we are literally spent! We need a day to replenish.  A day to build up the energy reserves and restore our direction and focus. Sunday is that day. It's a day for ourselves and a day for our soul.

What makes you feel more connected to your world and your soul? For me, it's indulging in the little things: a croissant from my favorite bakery, or attending that yoga class I never make time for. By giving back to myself, I can start to restore my soul for another week.

This Sunday, I indulged in creative time for my business (I never do that)! It felt amazing to brainstorm and think of how to better help people meet their goals. It was also a time for creating food! I nourished myself with kale chips. Such an easy recipe and good for the soul! Later today, I plan on going to that yoga class. Then....I will be prepared to start my week of right!

What did you do for yourself on Soulful Sunday?