What Inspires You?



Ever have those days when you just feel stuck in a rut? Your vision and goals are out of focus. You just need something, someone, somehow to kick your butt into gear?!

I do! Some days when I think about my fitness goals, business goals, and overall life goals it feels so overwhelming. Like I have no idea where I'm going or how to get there! But I have a go to solution to help me overcome this feeling...

My muses!! A muse can be anything that serves as inspiration. It can be pictures, people, or colors that leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to create. And muses aren't just for traditional artists! We're all artists and creators of our own lives and designers of our dreams; and sometimes we are bound to get stuck - stuck in the monotony of our routine, our interactions, and our thoughts. And it's difficult to create something new with old inspiration!

Pictured above is Marie Forleo- amazing business and life coach and creator of the "Rich, Happy, and Hot" program. If you have a brand named "rich, happy, and hot", you're doing something right! She shows us that business should be fun, funky, and free to be your authentic self! My favorite color- orange! It reminds me of the sun, warm energy, and tangerines. Yummmm! My fitness muse- Camille Leblanc-Bazinet. She is the modern image of a beautiful, strong woman. She inspires me to never give up on my fitness goals.

So on days when I'm stuck, I just pull up my pinterest account that is full over these amazing muses and I can set a goal for the day. Try it! What's your trick to push through a creative block? What serves as your muses? Share Share Share!