What is a leader?


Today with the passing of a great leader, we reflect on a life of hardship, achievement, and respect that took a lifetime to earn. In today's world where people expect instant gratification and entitlement, leaders like Nelson Mandela are becoming more scarce. Even from his humble beginnings, Mandela challenged the status quo and himself to be better. Mandela thought outside of the box, had original ideas, and refused to accept no for an answer. Through great strife and oppression, Mandela's movement of ending apartheid gained momentum and he was able to build a more racially-integrated South Africa and positively impact people all over the world.

So what do you think defines a leader? What sets someone apart? What qualities are found in all great leaders?

Before you comment below, I'll leave you with some of Mandela's most inspirational guidance:

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

R.I.P. Nelson Mandela