What Success Really Looks Like


I hear this all the time: "I tried to change but it's not working." "I keep trying but nothing is changing." Etcetera, etcetera. Look people, if whatever it is took years to 'break' then it's not going to be completely fixed overnight!

Most people have a linear picture of what success looks like in their heads. And that makes sense for the most part - If someone is successful, they mostly likely have small achievements on a daily basis.

But I like to reality-check that idea with this saying: "an overnight success is really an everyday hustler." Meaning....this person didn't become successful in a snap! They've worked years to get where they are!

One of my favorite examples of this is GoPro cameras. You see these awesome sports cameras everywhere in 2013! But what most people don't know is that the founder first got this idea in 2000! He has been working his butt off for 2013 years to make this a household item! 13 years!!! What have you worked on relentlessly for 13 years? Yeah, I know... me neither.

The point of this is not to make us all feel bad and lazy, but to recognize that each time we keep trying, each effort we make to reach our goals, is still putting on the path for success. We learn from every experience we have, whether we think it came out great or poorly. We gain strength from each time we get back on the horse and give it another go.

Success can largely be attributed to a frame a mind. As said by Tony Robbins:

“People who fail focus on what they will have to go through; people who succeed focus on what it will feel like at the end.”

So when you've been knock off track and feel like you will never achieve change or success, quit focusing on the small steps and get back in touch with your big picture. 

What does your goal look like? What will it feel like when you get there? Share your goals below in the comment section now!