What is Harvard saying about nutrition?


In the midst of the Holiday season, what are you doing to try to avoid an eating overload and sugar comas? We know you can't say no to mom's home cooking and Aunt Susie would be totally offended if you didn't try her pound cake! So how do you deal? Make a schedule. Find out when all those holiday gatherings are and write them down. Then make all non-party days the time to recover, restore, and reset for nutrition's sake!

Don't just take my word for it. Harvard Medical School's vast scientific and social research has produced the following tips to make your holiday meals a success - without adding extra pounds to work off after New Years!

- Change your perspective! Good eating is not a punishment, but an opportunity. If you know why it's important and what to do, you'll find it enjoyable and satisfying.

- Change slowly. By the time you are 40, you'll have eaten some 40,000 meals — and lots of snacks besides. Give yourself time to change, targeting one item a week.

- Snack on unsalted nuts, trail mix, fruit, raw veggies, Rye Krisp, or graham crackers. Try eating a few handfuls of a crunchy fiber cereal such as Kashi, or nibble on a cereal bar.

- Experiment with new recipes and meal plans. Be creative and take chances. Instead of dreading your new diet, have fun with it.

- Take a long-range view. Don't get down on yourself if you slip up or "cheat" from time to time.

What is your plan for Holiday survival plan? How do you keep your nutrition in check? Share below!!