Increase Your Value


Would you buy something that’s really cheap and probably doesn’t live up to its promises? Or, would you buy something very expensive that probably is overpriced and exceeds what you need? Exactly! No! Whether we’re shopping for a new phone or a partner, we’re always looking for value. We want something that has longevity and is of quality, but don’t want to overpay for it. We’re constantly seeking that sweet spot.

So what’s your value? In your job, as a friend, as a partner?

Ever feel that you work really hard, but your efforts aren’t being recognized? Feel that you deserve better than what you have in life? Maybe it’s time to raise your value.

Value is a product of economics – a direct relation of supply and demand. If the supply is limited, than the demand is likely to increase. And if demand is increasing and supply is limited, than the thing (which could be you!) becomes more valuable.

So what do I mean “limit your supply?”

Have you ever wanted to get ahead at work? So you volunteered to stay late, said “yes” to all your boss’s requests, and watched someone else get that promotion? How could the boss have chosen that guy who doesn’t do anything extra and makes his own demands?

Ever been so infatuated with someone that you were willing to clear your schedule at his or her beckon call? Who hasn’t?! How did that work out? My guess is that it didn’t.

Interested in changing that? Want to get what you want without working so hard for it? Take control of your future by taking back the reigns on your priorities.

What are your priorities in life? Right now. This second.

So when you stay for extra hours at work, what happens to your priorities? When you don’t take care of something you need to in order to see that person you can live without, where are your priorities?

You, your goals, and your dreams are very important, so treat them that way! If you’re willing to drop everything for others, it sends the message that, indeed you’re not very important and therefore have a low value. That guy who’s not willing to do more for free or can't meet up with you on the drop of a hat is sending the message that he’s more valuable than that!

So which guy/girl do you want to be?

-Reevaluate your priorities

-Don’t put your needs last

-And always ask yourself “is this aligned with my goals?”

This will allow you to increase your value to get what you really want in your life! What are you doing now to get what you want? What hasn’t worked for you? Share it below now!