Food for Thought


I'm away on vacation right now (yay!) which has allowed for a lot of reading I've been meaning to catch up on. Currently open is a book by Susan Thesenga called The Undefended Self. This book identifies our different levels of consciousness and desires as the lower self (where all the negativity and anger hang out), higher self (our spiritual and inherently good self), and mask (our defenses and what we show others). I was struck by a quote in the book that has stuck with me for a few days now:

"The call for the soul to grow spiritually comes to us in the form of our personal longings. Every human being longs for something we believe will make our lives more fulfilling. This may come to us as longing for deep mutuality with a mate, or for meaningful work, or for a more loving family. Or our desires may be spiritual fulfillment, for a deeper relationship with God, or to connect to the environment around us. Behind these specific desires is a feeling or a sensing that another more fulfilling state of consciousness and a larger capacity to experience life must exist."

What an amazing and unifying thought- that we could all be connected through this longing for fulfillment. Although we may be seeking fulfillment in different ways, each one of our higher selves wants to be better and get more out of this life. Can we help each other achieve that? Can we help ourselves succeed?

Tell us below in the comment box what you need for greater fulfillment! How will you get it?