Happiness is a State of Mind


I don't get outside often enough in the winter. But when I do, I'm very grateful for the experience. During winter, I hear people complaining all the time about the weather, the snow, how terrible it is to live in a cold climate, etc. Yes, I'm guilty of some of these statements too. But you know what? They are just excuses! Excuses not to be happy. Excuses not to enjoy our day. Excuses not to appreciate the beauty of winter and snow. Excuses not to take responsibility for the choice we made to live where we do.

No, I don't expect you to wake up everyday feeling full of gratitude for every single thing in your life. But this is what I expect of you:

Take responsibility for your own happiness.

Choose to appreciate versus disregard the beauty in your life.

Recognize your life's abundance.

Here's how I met my own expectations today! How did you meet yours? Leave a comment below!


be your best self,
