Knock it off! (your to-do list, that is)


Do you have a to-do list that feels like it's 10 miles long?! Yeah, me too!

Sometimes it seems that I can't move past a certain item or task on that list. For instance, an email I just won't sit down to write. A small task that I can't do because it's not fun. A correspondence I keep putting off and putting off because it will be awkward to have.

We can become hyper-focused on the obstacles we see in the situation versus the outcome we are striving for. This is we where you perfectionists and perfectionistas get stuck! You want that email to be perfect and that report to be exceptional, but you're not getting anywhere! 

I get it though! Our communication, work, and results are all products of us and say a lot about our abilities, skills, and discipline. But what is it saying when you don't return an email for 3 days waiting for those perfect words to come? Or staying up all night to perfect a report instead of spending time with your partner? Or taking time away from your own self-care to stress about something?

"Done is better than perfect."

Done means you get to cross it off the to-do list. Done means doing something fun after work. Done means getting that mental energy back for yourself. Done means moving forward.

Stop creating your own stress and move on! Here are 3 steps to getting over this hurdle:

- Let go of the idealism: if you would accept "good enough" sometimes from others, let that same rule apply to you!

- Promote self-love: Put yourself on your own to-do list; i.e. take a long bath, get a massage, read that book!

- Improve your balance: Not literally! Just make sure tasks and work time are equal to family, friends, and fun.

What are you stuck on right now? What's your plan to move forward and get stuff done?! Share your story below- it could help someone else out!