Are You a Hater?


Ever find yourself making this face? Yeah, not so pretty is it?! It's like you have to put actual, conscious effort into making this face. That means sending disdain and negativity into your body in order to make this expression!  What? Why?! Sounds terrible, right?

So why do we sometimes create negativity from within ourselves and send it outwards into the world via this nasty face?

- You don't like someone.

- Something is not working out in your favor.

- You see someone as the competition.

On the surface you may say, "yeah, I can see myself hating on someone for those reasons." In that case, I challenge you to take a deeper look at why you are hating...

- Are you jealous? Probably! Find out why.

- Are you reflecting on your own weaknesses when you see someone else excelling?

- Do you secretly feel everything should work out for you? Why? What makes you so special?

Don't hate, appreciate. 

How can you turn that awful face and self-created hate into positive appreciation for the person or thing?

- See the person as a blessing that's pushing you to be better (the competition trigger).

- Understand your jealousy towards someone, and instead, use that energy to work on improving yourself versus beating others down (the "don't like" trigger).

- See how this situation can be a learning experience and benefit you down the road (the "not in my favor" trigger).

Ever caught yourself making this face or creating the hate? Tell us about it! What did you do to correct it ? Share your comments below!

Be your best self today,
