Happy Sunday!


Happy Soul Sunday to all of you! It's a beautiful sunny day here in Rhode Island. But no matter where in the world you are, it's a beautiful day to reset, renew, and restore for the week ahead.

Who has started Spring Cleaning already? Me too! It's unbelievable how many material things we accumulate. I moved a year ago and had the opportunity to get rid of all the crap I didn't need. So I find it astounding that only 1 year later, here I am with the same problem.

The funny part is that when we're buying all this "stuff" we totally 100% believe that we need this item or really want that thing. But the truth is the need or want are really just masks and lies.

You will always get everything that you need. Sometimes no more than that, but always enough. How do I know that? Well, tell me a time when you didn't have all that you really needed to survive. Please, do tell me in the comments below if you've been through a time like that.

We get stuck in the mask of "I need this" or "if I only had that...I'd be happy. Or "...I'd be fulfilled." Or "...I'd be [fill in the blank with your core desired feeling]." But these are only lies we tell ourselves.

What we need to be happy will never come from the Apple store or Nordstroms. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But it's true.

We have to consciously and actively create and pursue happiness in and by way of ourselves. You have to be aware of your life aim. You have to make goals. You have to take chances and move towards your fears. You have to go outside of your comfort zone, and you have to go inside of your heart to find out what you really need.

Today I took to time to nourish my body with exercise, my my mind with organization and cleaning, and my spirit with laughter and friends. This made me so much happier than buying new shoes!

Don't believe me? Try it for yourself! Clearly your old methods of trying to obtain happiness and fulfillment aren't working. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this blog!

Make today and every Sunday a place to get rid of what's not serving you and make space for nourishment, restoration, and something new in your life. Create your best self in the process.

- Brittany