Law of Attraction


Do you believe in the law of attraction? That "like attracts like". That by focusing on a positive thought or energy can actually bring positivity into your life? Oh, so you're a skeptic, huh? That's fine. I see people like you all the time. They're usually the ones jealous of others, depressed about their own life, and don't know how to get what others have. I'm not saying that's you... but maybe it is?

Do you have that friend or acquaintance that seems to keep winning the lottery over and over again? He seems to have the best life, keeps getting promoted, and is always smiling? Yeah, the one you love to hate.

What does he have that you don't?

Well, lets start with the smile: Studies show that even if we force ourselves to smile, there is a positive chemical response in our bodies; therefore resulting in you feeling happier. When you smile, other people smile back at you. Amazing! I'm saying that if you exude positivity, then it will come right back at you!! Who wouldn't want that?

Want to feel more connected to the important people in your life? Your partner, family, close friends? What are you doing now to create those connections? Who have you called out of the blue today? Did you send your partner an unexpected text/email about how much they mean to you? Oh don't have time for that? Right. If you can't make time to give your love to the people who mean the most to you, I have no idea what you could be doing that's more important!

It may feel awkward at first, but the more regularly you practice sending love and positivity, the more natural it will feel. If you feel it in your heart already, then it naturally wants to come out. Stop blocking love! Anndddd I'm not a psychic, but I would bet that you will get more love and positivity sent your way in return! Now who's feeling warm and fuzzy?!

But this isn't just about love and positivity. The Law of Attraction can be used to attract health, money, and confidence too.

Want to improve your health? Spend time working on it, educating yourself on the topic, and surrounding yourself with others doing the same thing. It won't be long before you've made lifestyle changes for a healthier you.

I often use the phrase "be your best self." The Law of Attraction is imperative to this phrase. You can only become your best self by radiating positivity, actively pursuing improvement, and creating opportunities for success. When all these things come flying back at you (law of attraction), it will be impossible to stop you from growing to become your best self.

By this point, you're either feeling inspired or frustrated that I've outlined this task for you to attract positivity. The inspired may start smiling more today. While the frustrated will continue to scoff at the unlikelihood that the Law of Attraction is even possible. Which will you be? And in return, which will you attract?

sending positivity your way,
