Super Saturday


This Saturday did not turn out like I wanted it to- and I mean that in a good way!

Ever have those days when you prepare the night beforehand to wake up early, be super productive, eat cleanly, and put some check marks on that to-do list?

Yup, that was my Friday night. Everything was going to go smoothly on Saturday.

Yeah right! Fast forward to this morning- Slept in, casually made breakfast, went shopping, cooked a big lunch.

At 4pm I looked at my to-do list, disappointed that I had failed at my "productive day".

This was my window of opportunity- either see today as a failure or enjoy all the down time I had in the morning and make the most of the evening ahead.

Right away I grabbed my yoga mat and headed out the door. At the front of the yoga class sat Ganesha- remover of obstacles (see pic above). I had been to this class several times, and never really noticed it before. But today, I kept Ganesha in my mind and intentions throughout the class.

I thought about this: so often we are our own worst enemies- our own obstacles to happiness and success. We're overwhelmed by to-do lists, distracted by all of our demands, and find ourselves spinning in a world we don't recognize. This definitely does not lead to feelings of success and happiness at the end of the day.

When we slow down and ask ourselves what we really want or need, the next step often presents itself. For me, it was yoga. Allowing myself to forsake my to-do list and indulge in some self care brought me greater happiness immediately!

And from there, my indulgences just flowed...and eventually led to baking cookies!

At the end of the day, my to-do list has no check marks, I didn't eat kale, and I wasn't too productive. So what?! Sometimes you need to feed the soul and re-evaluate what a successful and productive day really means. Choosing happiness and rejecting negativity can make all the difference- no matter what you did today!

What window of opportunity did you have to choose the outcome of your day? What would you do differently next time? Share below!