Making Space for Stillness


Meditation, presence, and quieting the mind have all been central themes in my work and personal life lately.

There seems to be this franticness that a lot of people are carrying around with them. A franticness that they need to figure out something big- like a career path or finding a partner. And the franticness serves to speed up the process because it must happen very soon or else.....

They might die. Their life will be over. They will never the thing they really want in life.

This all sounds really dire and tragic, right? But is it true or real? Will you really die if your career path doesn't look as planned? Will your life be over if you don't find a partner before age 35? Is life really not worth living if you don't have the bank account you thought you would by now?

Picture spinning a top (the toy). Imagine that with each spin, we dive further and further into our own head and thoughts about how life should be, the things we should have, and what you need in order to be happy. And with each spin, you are fed more and more marketing about what society tells you that you should want and need.

How would you get out of this situation and stop the spinning?

This place is bred from scarcity and fear. When we feel we don't have enough or are afraid, we are much more susceptible to messaging from the outside world and trust that more than ourselves. You have to disavow scarcity and fear within yourself to overcome the spinning.

How do I do that?

Before you can replace the scarcity and fear with something that actually serves you, you must first create the space for the inspiration and exploration of something new. The space will first be filled with stillness- a quieted mind, free from judgment and franticness. In the stillness you will find new ideas, feelings, and sensations coming up for you. Look, listen, and feel those things for all they can offer you.

Find the stillness through meditation, yoga, prayer, singing, dancing or any other way that serves you.

Share your practice below to inspire others :)

Be your best self today,
