The best bad advice I’ve ever heard!


I was lucky enough to go to New York City a few weeks ago and see the Book of Mormon on Broadway. Such a fantastic show in case you haven’t heard! Anyway, one of the songs really struck me, and I think it’s got to be the best bad advice I’ve ever heard: Turn in off!

See the lyrics for yourself:

You say you got a problem, well thats no problem, It's super easy not to feel that way!

When you start to get confused because of thoughts in your head, Don't feel those feelings! Hold them in instead

Turn it off, like a light switch just go click!”


Don’t feel those feelings?

Hold them in?

Turn it off?????

Although the song is clearly ridiculous and exaggerates, I think we (as in YOU and ME) think we can really handle our problems this way! Ever try to “shake” a bad feeling or thought? I think that’s the same as “turning it off”.

So what should you do instead?

Information is power! And there is tons of information in all those feelings, thoughts, and signals our body and brains send us all the time. Don’t turn those off! Listen to what they’re trying to say! You don’t necessarily have to follow through on all their suggestions. But the more information you have, more informed of a decision you can make!

Ever had a thought or feeling you couldn’t shake? What was the signal your body was trying to send you? How did you make use of that information instead?  Tell us all about it in the comments section below!

Happy healing,


PS- see the full song here!