Vlog: My Miracle Morning


How did your morning start out?

Was it bright, cheery, and full of energy right when you rolled out of bed? Or was it more like snooooooozzzze as long as possible, rush to get out the door, and curse towards the sky because it's Monday again?

Yeah, the second one? I thought so!

Many personal development coaches speak about the power of a positive and intentional morning. That a few key actions right when you wake up can make the difference in your day, and eventually your life

What do you think? 

So I've set out to attempt my own version of a miracle morning... Guess what I've found??! These little changes CAN make a huge difference in your day! Especially your attitude! 

Find out what changes I've made and see the results in the video below!


Don't forget to share your miracle morning experience in the comments section of the video! Hey - we can all learn a thing or two from each other, right?! What action steps did you take? And what changes did you see?

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