PVD Lady Project's Summer Guide

Looking for things to do, what to wear, and how to stay fit this summer? Check out the PVD Lady Project's Summer Guide! It's chalk full of great gifts, activities, and.... yours truly :)

Along with 3 other AMAZING Providence women, I was asked to play a part in the making of the Summer Guide. The Lady Project was looking for women who are fit, goal oriented, and like to have fun! I was happy to share some of my secrets to success in business and fitness (see pages 16 and 41)

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Check out my beautiful friends and rest of the Summer Guide here: http://issuu.com/pvdladyproject/docs/2014_summer_guide

What are your favorite ways to enjoy summer? How about in RI? How do you stay fit and motivated during this time of year? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Be your best self this summer,
