3 Questions to Kick Out Self Doubt!

Ever feel that wave of self doubt seep in just when you needed to be on your "A" game? Self doubt can get in between you and your happiness, goals, and success... but only if you let it!

I used to get sooo nervous when I would post a new blog or share a video. My self doubt would say, "No one's going to like it, your ideas are no good, and all your clients may leave you." Yuck! Why did I do that to myself?

Going outside of your comfort zone may be scary, but it's essential for your growth and personal development.

Your self doubt can serve you in these situations too - by reminding us to be more prepared and utilize knowledge from past experiences. But keep it in check!

Give your self doubt a reality check by asking yourself these 3 questions: 

- What's the worst case scenario?

- Is it likely to happen?

- What's my back up plan if it does happen?

What ways do you let self doubt into your life? What have you always wanted to do, but self doubt has held you back? Self doubt claims more dreams than failure ever will, but don't let yours be one of them!

Find out more ways to kick out self doubt as I spill my guts in in the video below!

Share your experience with self doubt, and what you did to tackle it in the comments section of the video! Hey - we can all learn a thing or two from each other, right?! What action steps did you take? And what changes did you see?


Work with me to find out even more ways you can make positive changes for your life and get want you really want! Check out the blog for more tips to be your best self and build a life you love! 

Be your best self,
