How I'm a Failure...And I Love It!


Who doesn't have days when you feel like nothing is going right, and you'll never get back on track?! 

And when you share that with anyone, it's like they're all on the happy train and trying to steer you away from negativity.

But sometimes you need to wallow in your failures before you can see the flipside!

It's days like that when I call on my Failure role models for a little inspiration! Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, and Beyonce Knowles were all failures at one point in their lives.

It's difficult to even imagine such successful people as failing at something. But they do! All the time! What they're able to do is the see the Failure Flipside! 

When you're experiencing failure, the key is to envision your success in that exact scenario. Watch this week's video to learn the Failure Flipside approach to turning your devastating failures into future successes!

Listen as I share my personal failures, my failure role models, and the key to changing your failures today!

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What's have you failed at? I know, you're not supposed to talk about these things or let anyone know your weaknesses. Yeah right! Make that different! Share your experiences to empower your progress and help others in the comments section of this video!

I want to hear from YOU! Send me your questions, suggestions, and comments on what you want to see and hear from me on videos, blogs, and newsletters! I want to give you exactly what you need to be your best self!

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Work with me to find out even more ways you can make positive changes for your life and get want you really want!

Check out the blog for more tips to be your best self and build a life you love!


