3 Steps to Become a King/Queen of Confidence


Think about someone you really admire or look up to. Maybe it's a mentor, a boss, or a good friend. What's is the key element that this person exudes that makes them so admirable?


Confidence is the frosting that makes a cake look so good and taste so sweet. It's the silver lining that makes us believe in someone, gives them credibility, and deems them trustworthy.

But, let's be honest, there are times when we could all use a little more confidence. Whether it's at work, in your relationships, or for a specific skillset, we can build confidence the same way.

Watch the video on these 3 ways to greater confidence:

  • Do the things you're already good at
  • Picture everyone in their...insecurity
  • Dust off your old trophies


What do you use to increase your confidence on the fly? Which of these methods will work best for you? Let's continue the conversation in the comments or on the blog.

Don't forget!

The Get Your Head Back in the Game package is only $99 in the month of August. Find out EXACTLY what's stealing your drive, clouding your vision, and make a plan for your success. Contact me to schedule!