3 Ways to Better Relationships Today


How many people have you already spoken to this morning? How many of those people would you consider an essesntial relationship to your life? And how many of those conversations could have gone better?

It is a basic human need to be part of a group or something bigger than ourselves. That is why we form these relationships. Although we hate to admit it, we need support from others at times as well. And in some ways, the connections we form with other people provide the greatest gifts in life!

So taking care of these relationships is essential! 

Here are 3 ways you can improve the most important relationships in your life, and likely improve yourself as well: 

  • Ask yourself "What's my desired outcome?" or "What do I want to happen?" to get closer to your personal motivations.
  • Be Brave! Share your true self, desires, and needs to further close the communication gap.
  • Show up for them! Be mentally present, responsive, and empathetic - you would want the same in return.

Watch the video for more information and tips on how to enact these changes today! 


Share your experience- the good, the bad, and the ugly- in the comments section of the video or the blog.  Let's get the converstaion started around building a life you love!