Posts in Leadership
What Alaska Taught Me About Living

I just returned from my week-long retreat in Juneau, Alaska. This trip had been on my bucket list for some time, and I was really looking forward to it. But not in an excited and anticipatory way, more of an “I desperately need space” kind of way.

You see, I used to travel and take time away from work regularly. Take time to seek adventure, do things I love, go places that inspire me. But I hadn’t taken a trip like that in over a year.

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How I Know You’re Not Charging 💵 Enough

When you charge for the value you create versus the time you invest, everyone wins. The Client is thrilled to get more revenue. Your team feels adequately compensated for a job well done and the expertise they’ve honed.

But this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to build a predictable, repeatable, scalable service. You have to measure your results and be precise in your execution.

My guest on Eye Openers this week, Kris Sugatan, did exactly this and I’m excited for you to hear our conversation.

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